- Категория:
- VeloNEWS |
- Дата:
- 9-05-2011, 20:01
26-летний гонщик Воутер Вейландт из команды Leopard-Trek трагически погиб во время 3-го этапа Джиро. Он тяжело упал на спуске, медики оказались бессильны. Страшный, ужасный день для всего велоспорта. Вечная память…

eki_ekimov Viatcheslav Ekimov
horrible news just got on line @wouterweylandt has gone. it's nightmare. We can't believe in that.I so him this morning at brkf table...
thomasfrei Thomas Frei
R.I.P. Wouther all my prayers going to his family and his wife who is expecting a child in september. Sad day!
Vaughters Jonathan Vaughters
Peace be with you, Wouter.
cammeyercyclist Cameron Meyer
RIP Wouter Weylandt. Its a sad day for cycling. Thoughts go out to his family and friends.
JonnyBellis Jonny Bellis
RIP Wouter Weylandt. So sad to hear this news, thoughts are with his family
SamBewley SamBewley
This is a sad moment for cycling! Its numbing! RIP Wouter Weylandt. All thoughts to his family, his friends and his team mates at the Giro
koendekort Koen de Kort
Unbelievable horrible news. Thoughts go out to Wouter's family and wife.
cjsutton2 Chris Sutton
I'm speechless. My thoughts go out 2 wouter weylandt's family and friends. Such sad news. He was a good friend. RIP wouter. U will be missed
MarkCavendish Mark Cavendish
Things like this shouldn't happen. Absolutely sick to the stomach. My thoughts are with his family. RIP Wouter Weylandt.
Roman86_K Roman Kreuziger
Very bad news from @giroditalia about Wouter Weylandt,I'm shocked!
philmaertens Philippe Maertens
Everybody down here in Rapallo. Terrible news. We all lost a friend. Wouter always smiled... We cannot believe this. May he rest in peace..
eliaviviani ELIA VIVIANI
it's not possible :-( Ciao WOUTER!
RobbieHunter Robbie Hunter
Moments like these are so fucked!! Thought and prayers to his family! Makes u realize how we risk our lives some times a bit to much!
stevendejongh Steven de jongh
pfffff niet te bevatten , RIP Wouter.
franmillar Fran Millar
I can not even begin to imagine what Wouter Weylandts family are going through. My thoughts and prayers are with them. Very very sad
zdenekstybar Zdenek Stybar
What a terrible news! This can't be true!
TeamGeoxTMC Team Geox-TMC
Giro de Italia: Se confirma el fallecimiento de Wouter WEYLANDT. Sirvan estas palabras como muestra de condolencia por parte de GEOX-TMC
RIP WWSpecial..
cedvasseur Cédric Vasseur
Horrible day.. Having no word. RIP Wouter
oscarpujol oscar pujol
Descanse en paz #WouterWeylandt y mucho apoyo para su familia... Dia triste.
darylimpey Daryl Impey
Such sad news about Wouter Weylandt. May he rest in peace
mickrogers Michael Rogers
Shocking news about Wouter Weylandt... Unbelievable...
GeraintThomas86 Geraint Thomas
Horrible news about Wouter!! Thoughts with his family, friends and team mates!! RIP mate
PMartens83 Paul Martens
Speechless...all thoughts are with wouter´s family and friends ...
mtjallingii Maarten Tjallingii
Just read the news. My thoughts go out to family and friends of Wouter Weylandt. Hoped I had seen the worst Giro crash ever in 2009!
laurenstendam laurenstendam
kurdyukov_espru Sergey Kurdyukov
That's when I hate my job. . .RIP Wouter Weylandt. Show MUSTN'T go on, tomorrow at least
Greghenderson1 Greg Henderson
Such a sad sad day. RIP Woulter. Thoughts are with family. Speechless.
allandavis27 allan davis
Just got home from 6hrs 30min training to the the deverstating news of my old team mate Wouter Weylantd, P.I.P mate.
manuelquinziato Manuel Quinziato
Rest in peace Wouter! I can't believe it's really happened!
JohanBruyneel JohanBruyneel
Such a sad day for our sport. RIP Wouter Weylandt. Thoughts and prayers go out to his family and friends. I'm shocked.
taylorphinney Taylor Phinney
Say it ain't so... Wouter, you were kind and gracious to me every day at Tour of Oman. You will be very dearly missed.
ivanbasso ivanbasso
i'ts incredibile how much destiny could be tragic.my condolences and a hug to family and friends. rest in peace, Wouter
tefandenifl Stefan Denifl
shocked, sad, down... things like this should never happen!!! Wouter we will miss you, RIP
f_cancellara Fabian cancellara
Black day....i feel really sad what happen with wouter weylandt. My condoloence to his wife and family. His wife is even pregnant..
RIP Wouter Weylandt. You will be greatly missed on and off the bike.
incenzoNibali Vincenzo Nibali
I can't find any words to complain my feeling about Wouter death.it's surreal. all my thought for his wife, family and friends. Ciao Wouter
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