- Категория:
- VeloNEWS |
- Дата:
- 26-09-2014, 18:44
Женщины завершат соревнования на чемпионате мира по велоспорту 27 сентября групповой гонкой на 127.4 км. На старт выйдут 134 спортсменки, под первым номером - защищающая свой титул голландская гонщица Марианне Вос. Беларусь будут представлять Алена Омелюсик и Ксения Тухай, Латвию - Lija Laizane и Dana Rozlapa, Литву - Milda Jankauskaite, Katazina Sosna, Daiva Tuslaite, Россию - Татьяна Антошина, Александра Бурченкова, Анастасия Чулкова, Анастасия Яковенко, Оксана Козончук и Елена Кучинская, Украину - Татьяна Рябченко и Анна Соловей, Эстонию - Liisa Ehrberg и Liisi Rist.
Стартовый протокол, Д.р. |
1 |
Vos Marianne (Ned) Netherlands |
19870513 |
2 |
Blaak Chantal (Ned) Netherlands |
19891022 |
3 |
Brand Lucinda (Ned) Netherlands |
19890702 |
4 |
De Jong Thalita (Ned) Netherlands |
19931106 |
5 |
Knetemann Roxane (Ned) Netherlands |
19870401 |
6 |
Pieters Amy (Ned) Netherlands |
19910601 |
7 |
Slappendel Iris (Ned) Netherlands |
19850218 |
8 |
Stultiens Sabrina (Ned) Netherlands |
19930708 |
9 |
Van Dijk Ellen (Ned) Netherlands |
19870211 |
10 |
Bronzini Giorgia (Ita) Italy |
19830803 |
11 |
Cecchini Elena (Ita) Italy |
19920525 |
12 |
Guderzo Tatiana (Ita) Italy |
19840822 |
13 |
Longo Borghini Elisa (Ita) Italy |
19911210 |
14 |
Ratto Rossella (Ita) Italy |
19931020 |
15 |
Scandolara Valentina (Ita) Italy |
19900501 |
16 |
Zorzi Susanna (Ita) Italy |
19920313 |
17 |
Abbott Mara (Usa) United States Of America |
19851114 |
18 |
Guarnier Megan (Usa) United States Of America |
19850504 |
19 |
Hall Lauren (Usa) United States Of America |
19790202 |
20 |
Olds Shelley (Usa) United States Of America |
19800930 |
21 |
Powers Alison (Usa) United States Of America |
19791214 |
22 |
Stevens Evelyn (Usa) United States Of America |
19830509 |
23 |
Wiles Tayler (Usa) United States Of America |
19890720 |
24 |
Becker Charlotte (Ger) Germany |
19830519 |
25 |
Brennauer Lisa (Ger) Germany |
19880608 |
26 |
Kasper Romy (Ger) Germany |
19880505 |
27 |
Lechner Corinna (Ger) Germany |
19940810 |
28 |
Lichtenberg (Hausler) Claudia (Ger) Germany |
19851117 |
29 |
Pohl Stephanie (Ger) Germany |
19871021 |
30 |
Worrack Trixi (Ger) Germany |
19810928 |
31 |
Fahlin Emilia (Swe) Sweden |
19881024 |
32 |
Johansson Emma (Swe) Sweden |
19830923 |
33 |
Mustonen Sara (Swe) Sweden |
19810208 |
34 |
Nessmar Alexandra (Swe) Sweden |
19940623 |
35 |
Olsson Sara (Swe) Sweden |
19900306 |
36 |
Sjoblom Linnea (Swe) Sweden |
19891112 |
37 |
Armitstead Elizabeth (Gbr) Great Britain |
19881218 |
38 |
Barnes Alice (Gbr) Great Britain |
19950717 |
39 |
Barnes Hannah (Gbr) Great Britain |
19930504 |
40 |
Christian Anna (Gbr) Great Britain |
19950806 |
41 |
Garner Lucy (Gbr) Great Britain |
19940920 |
42 |
Last Annie (Gbr) Great Britain |
19900907 |
43 |
Antoshina Tatiana (Rus) Russian Federation |
19820727 |
44 |
Burchenkova Alexandra (Rus) Russian Federation |
19880916 |
45 |
Chulkova Anastasiya (Rus) Russian Federation |
19850307 |
46 |
Iakovenko Anastasiia (Rus) Russian Federation |
19950407 |
47 |
Kozonchuk Oxana (Rus) Russian Federation |
19880528 |
48 |
Kuchinskaya Elena (Rus) Russian Federation |
19841211 |
49 |
Biannic Aude (Fra) France |
19910327 |
50 |
Cordon Audrey (Fra) France |
19890922 |
51 |
Delzenne Elise (Fra) France |
19890128 |
52 |
Duval Eugenie (Fra) France |
19930503 |
53 |
Ferrand Prevot Pauline (Fra) France |
19920210 |
54 |
Rivat Amelie (Fra) France |
19891114 |
55 |
Daams Jessie (Bel) Belgium |
19900528 |
56 |
De Vuyst Sofie (Bel) Belgium |
19870402 |
57 |
Druyts Kelly (Bel) Belgium |
19891021 |
58 |
Duyck Ann-Sofie (Bel) Belgium |
19870723 |
59 |
Polspoel Maaike (Bel) Belgium |
19890328 |
60 |
Van Doorslaer Annelies (Bel) Belgium |
19890115 |
61 |
Cromwell Tiffany (Aus) Australia |
19880706 |
62 |
Garfoot Katrin (Aus) Australia |
19811008 |
63 |
Neylan Rachel (Aus) Australia |
19820309 |
64 |
Rowney Loren (Aus) Australia |
19881014 |
65 |
Taylor Carlee (Aus) Australia |
19890215 |
66 |
Williams Lizzie (Aus) Australia |
19830815 |
67 |
Amialiusik Alena (Blr) Belarus |
19890206 |
68 |
Tuhai Ksenia (Blr) Belarus |
19950701 |
69 |
Albrecht Lex (Can) Canada |
19870406 |
70 |
Canuel Karol-Ann (Can) Canada |
19880418 |
71 |
Kirchmann Leah (Can) Canada |
19900630 |
72 |
Numainville Joelle (Can) Canada |
19871120 |
73 |
Fernandes Da Souza Uenia (Bra) Brazil |
19840812 |
74 |
Fernandes Silva Clemilda (Bra) Brazil |
19790625 |
75 |
Oliveira Flavia (Bra) Brazil |
19811027 |
76 |
Collins Emily (Nzl) New-Zealand |
19900916 |
77 |
Kiesanowski Joanne (Nzl) New-Zealand |
19790524 |
78 |
Trotman Reta (Nzl) New-Zealand |
19890310 |
79 |
Villumsen Linda Melanie (Nzl) New-Zealand |
19850409 |
80 |
Brzezna-Bentkowska Paulina (Pol) Poland |
19810910 |
81 |
Bujak Eugenia (Pol) Poland |
19890625 |
82 |
Jasinska Malgorzta (Pol) Poland |
19840118 |
83 |
Niewiadoma Katarzyna (Pol) Poland |
19940929 |
84 |
Plichta Anna (Pol) Poland |
19920210 |
85 |
Szybiak Ewelina (Pol) Poland |
19890913 |
86 |
Dalton Heidi (Rsa) South Africa |
19950321 |
87 |
Kachelhoffer An-Li (Rsa) South Africa |
19870816 |
88 |
Moolman-Pasio Ashleigh (Rsa) South Africa |
19851209 |
89 |
Aubry Emilie (Sui) Switzerland |
19890216 |
90 |
Ehrler Desiree (Sui) Switzerland |
19910820 |
91 |
Hanselmann Nicole (Sui) Switzerland |
19910506 |
92 |
Indergand Linda (Sui) Switzerland |
19930713 |
93 |
Schweizer Doris (Sui) Switzerland |
19890828 |
94 |
Riabchenko Tatyana (Ukr) Ukraine |
19890828 |
95 |
Solovey Anna (Ukr) Ukraine |
19920131 |
96 |
Bjornsrud Miriam (Nor) Norway |
19921009 |
97 |
Brustad Eline Gleditsch (Nor) Norway |
19940925 |
98 |
Moberg Emilie (Nor) Norway |
19910712 |
99 |
Majerus Christine (Lux) Luxembourg |
19870225 |
100 |
Guluma Ortiz Serika (Col) Colombia |
19900716 |
101 |
Meneses Jessenia (Col) Colombia |
19950618 |
102 |
Lepisto Lotta (Fin) Finland |
19890628 |
103 |
Saarelainen Sari (Fin) Finland |
19810301 |
104 |
Hahn Jacqueline (Aut) Austria |
19910721 |
105 |
Ritter Martina (Aut) Austria |
19820923 |
106 |
Jankauskaite Milda (Ltu) Lithuania |
19951001 |
107 |
Sosna Katazina (Ltu) Lithuania |
19901130 |
108 |
Tuslaite Daiva (Ltu) Lithuania |
19860618 |
109 |
Leth Julie (Den) Denmark |
19920713 |
110 |
Sablikova Martina (Cze) Czech Republic |
19870527 |
111 |
Casas Bonilla Ana Teresa (Mex) Mexico |
19911108 |
112 |
Leal Balderas Veronica (Mex) Mexico |
19771015 |
113 |
Hagiwara Mayuko (Jpn) Japan |
19861016 |
114 |
Yonamine Eri (Jpn) Japan |
19910425 |
115 |
Gutierrez Ruiz Sheyla (Esp) Spain |
19940101 |
116 |
Sanchis Chafer Anna (Esp) Spain |
19871018 |
117 |
Santesteban Gonzalez Ane (Esp) Spain |
19901212 |
118 |
Ehrberg Liisa (Est) Estonia |
19881217 |
119 |
Rist Liisi (Est) Estonia |
19910625 |
120 |
Ferencic Antonela (Cro) Croatia |
19940423 |
121 |
Radotic Mia (Cro) Croatia |
19841202 |
122 |
Batagelj Polona (Slo) Slovenia |
19890607 |
123 |
Kern Spela (Slo) Slovenia |
19900224 |
124 |
Pintar Ursa (Slo) Slovenia |
19851003 |
125 |
Fasoi Varvara (Gre) Greece |
19910202 |
126 |
Kormos Veronika (Hun) Hungary |
19920817 |
127 |
Szuromine Pulsfort Diana (Hun) Hungary |
19830505 |
128 |
Bash Paz (Isr) Israel |
19830628 |
129 |
Bloch Shani (Isr) Israel |
19790306 |
130 |
Reis Daniela (Por) Portugal |
19930406 |
131 |
Rolea Lavinia Nicoleta (Rou) Romania |
19861010 |
132 |
Laizane Lija (Lat) Latvia |
19930706 |
133 |
Rozlapa Dana (Lat) Latvia |
19791116 |
134 |
Bertine Kathryn (Skn) Saint Kitts And Nevis |
19750511 |
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